
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

The Inborn Friend of Jinns - Part 2

Ubqari Magazine - July 2015

Solutions for all problems related to children:

Those ladies whose children are born dead or do not survive during pregnancy can also read Surah Shams. In short all problems related to children can be solved by reading this Surah

Cannot bear the pain of Allah’s creation:

He said that he has traveled a lot around the world as he loved doing so. He would stay away from home for years for traveling. He saw so many people in pain and worried due to different reason. He was very upset seeing Allah’s creation like this

The contribution of jinnat for the problems of mankind:

These entire problems were somehow related to Jinnat and Black magic. Human being understands black magic more. They believe in Jinnat however they know that these things can be done through black magic.

The benefit of surah shams for those who were desperate for help:

The elderly jinn stood up while he was talking and we looked to him in surprise when he sat down once again. He then placed his head within his knees and began to cry earnestly while saying that an uncanny feeling has overpowered me. I then felt that some messiah or caretaker had come to help those who needed it especially those women who craved for children of their own.

One of the causes for the lack of offspring:

The jinn then again began to cry and said that honestly speaking one of the causes for the lack of offspring is that mothers don’t keep themselves in a state of wudu and when husband and wife mate they don’t recite   اَعُوْذُ بِاللہِ مِنَ الشَّیْطٰنِ الرَّجِیْم (tauz).

The jinn then stressed with a harsh tone that reciting   اَعُوْذُ بِاللہِ مِنَ الشَّیْطٰنِ الرَّجِیْم - keeps even the most mischievous and naughty of jinns away from the husband and wife during their intimate moments. And this is why u must spread my advice to married people that they should recite   اَعُوْذُ بِاللہِ مِنَ الشَّیْطٰنِ الرَّجِیْم to keep dangerous jinn from interfering in their married life.

To solve the problems of your children in a spiritual manner:

The elderly jinn then sat down while resting his back and said that I don’t remember any person who had worked hard on Surah Shams and his children and family had not been blessed with prosperity. And while we were all listening to the elderly jinn talk a huge gust of wind grabbed our attention.

A group of jinn had arrived after travelling for 3500 miles:

After a little while a large group of men and women jinn appeared and stood around us. The elderly jinn who was unaware of this new scenario was still talking. I grabbed hold of his hand and drew his attention to the large group of visitors. Haji Sahab then asked, “What is the reason behind your visit”?

A group of jinn that had no offspring:

The group then replied that we live 3500 miles away and we came to know that there is a person who tells a cure for lack of children. Amongst us most are such female jinn that they don’t have any children and along them are their husbands and their parents too. Hence altogether we became a pretty large group of people. When we arrived here we asked more jinn to tell us about your exact location and so we found you.

An elderly female jinni’s creating a scene and Sahabi baba’s calming attitude.

An elderly female jinni came out from amongst the crowd and cried out in remorse while sitting in the elderly jinn’s feet. She cried out her helplessness and begged for a cure to which the jinn replied in a considerate manner and calmed her down with words of encouragement.

You came at the right time:

When all of the jinn had sat down around us, Haji Sahab arranged for some things to eat and calmed down everyone with the news that all of you had come at the right time since the causes for lack of children were being discussed. When everyone had eaten, a request was made to the elderly jinn that instead of telling each and every one separately about the benefits of surah Shams how about giving a lecture.

Elderly jinn gave a dars of great importance:

The aalim jinn then stood up and at that moment the jinn’s senses were heightened and he was incredibly involved in whatever he was saying.

Oh group of jinnat, I don’t want to give you a wazifa to cure the lack of children:

The elderly jinn said that I come from the royal family of jinn and this royal family is one that has not ever harmed any other jinn or humans. This royal family has governed in the right manner and has never oppressed anyone. And Oh group of jinnat, I don’t feel like giving you a wazifa to cure the lack of children.

I have always seen jinnat harming humans:

Throughout my life I have always seen jinnat harming others especially humans. I have seen jinnat being mischievous and creating danger for pregnant woman and have seen the role jinnat play in causing miscarriages. I have also seen these very women who have lost their unborn children cry next to the dead bodies of their babies while the jinnat who are responsible for this have snickered and celebrated in joy over the human’s loss. Just because jinnat had once been an early nation and are now side-lined by humans who have established their control over this earth instead of jinnat, these jinnat have vowed vengeance and hence create trouble for humans.

We are jinnat and we will not let humans live:

Why have these people come to our land? We will not let them live! We will destroy their whole race!

Such sentiments of the jinnat against humans have led to jinnat harming humans and their offspring too and the elderly jinn exclaimed all this in a harsh manner. His sorrow and grief caused many of the jinnat to cry too while the others were silenced to stillness.

The mischievous role of jinnat in the intimate activities of husband and wife:

The elderly jinn then began to say that I am a aalim (scholar) and have crossed the boundary for old age. And my eyes have also seen such scenarios where some naughty and evil jinnat have become involved in the intimate activities of husband and wife which has led to lack of satisfaction between the couple. This further leads to problems in the household when the resentment grows into hatred and the love that should have been present is overpowered by dislike.

Cruel jinnat, your involvement has many a times led to problems and accidents which is why some people claim that they encounter problems and accidents more often than others.

Oh nation of jinnat! How should I persuade and instruct you?

Oh nation of jinnat! How should I persuade and instruct you? My feelings of resentment stop me from helping you and telling you a cure for infertility. Soon enough cries could be heard from amongst the crowd of jinnat who exclaimed that why is the punishment of evil jinnat being given to them?  They themselves had not harmed others.

Don’t send us empty handed…. where would we go?

How would we find the solution to our problems? Where would we go? How would we start our search all over again for the cure to our problem?

Let me tell you how jinnat have destroyed the household life of humans:

Readers you must believe me that at that moment seeing everyone cry out in despair was enough to bring tears to my eyes too.  The elderly jinn however ignored these cries and instead said that let me tell you about the damage that jinnat have caused….. Let me tell u about those suffering mothers and their grief….. Let me tell you events of such sorrow and pain whose instigators are those evil jinnat who are hell bent on wreaking havoc in the lives of others.

I am a jinn but I hate jinnat:

I am a jinn myself but I hate jinnat. U tell me why do I hate them? why do I hate my own nation?

U must believe this to be impossible but this is true. My feelings of remorse and anguish are enough to make me hate jinnat. My inner self is always crying out to other jinnat that they must stop their aggression and injustice that they are carrying out on the humans. Our lord Allah can ignore kuffr(disbelief-lack of faith) but oppression and injustice is something that definitely encourages Allah’s wrath and anger.

All of you are “pharoni” – similar to Pharaoh:

All of you are like the pharaoh since taking away the children of others was something that Pharaoh had done in his time. The elderly jinn said this in a loud voice and also refused to help these jinnat.

The jinn further said that I have travelled around the world and have seen the grief of people. Also I have stayed in seclusion and have pondered over a spiritual remedy for many of the problems that everyone faces. After this effort I reached a conclusion too which is that there is one spiritual cure from the Holy Quran that can solve infertility. But I won’t tell this to you.  You can go back the same way you came. I am not telling anything to you. The elderly jinn said all of this in a state of utter grief and disappointment. His profound feeling of anguish could be felt to everyone. It seemed that the jinn wanted to do something. I looked over my surroundings and could see on one side the grief of the elderly jinn and on the other side the sorrow of the group of visiting jinnat.

Finally all this matter was resolved with the help of sahabi baba and haji sahab who stood up and grabbed the jinn and said that if you believe that our status and age is greater than yours than you must stop talking.

The elderly aalim jinn became silent while hiccupping and went into a state of half unconsciousness. He was rubbed and massaged all over the body and finally he came to consciousness. After giving him water, sahabi baba then talked to the jinn and said that all these people are desperate for help and I order you to help these visitors so that go back with some solution in hand.

The wazaif of surah Shams and its benefits:

Any person who recites surah shams with بِسْمِ اللہِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِیْمِ 40 times with durud-e-ibrahim 7 times before and after it for 40 days or 70 days or 90 days will be able to attain whatever his aim is and if he is not able to do this by himself then someone else can instead do it for him. Also this wazifa can be continued as long as the aim is not attained if the mentioned days have passed. After telling the details of this wazifa the elderly jinn said in a voice of deep emotion and concern that this wazifa must be done with utmost concentration and attention without hurrying through the process. The jinn also said that surah shams can be recited more than 40 times too throughout the day and all members of the household should also become a part of this activity but if the rest are not doing it then one of the persons must do this wazifa.

Years of experience and observation leading to the discovery of this unique wazifa:

The elderly jinn then also said that I discovered this unique peal after much experience and observation. I don’t remember any one to whom I have told this wazifa and his aim was not accomplished. Especially the solution for the lack of offspring is definitely brought about by surah shams. People who had been utterly hopeless about any children have been blessed by this wazifa.

Can one really have children through this wazifa?

This wazifa brings about great results and while all of the audience was concentrating immensely on what the elderly jinn was saying, one of the female jinni said that is this really possible? Can my daughter in law really have a child? Saying just this was like causing a spark.

Those who do not believe or trust would never gain anything:

Upon hearing this, the elderly jinn who was very emotional became furious and said that people like you who ask for guarantees would not gain anything. Am I god? Am I the creator of Quran? Am I a messenger? How can I give a guarantee?

I won’t tell anymore about this wazifa. Seeing this sahabi baba once again stood up to calm down the jinn and said that that woman was just trying to console herself and was saying this just to give hope to everyone.

Things beyond imagination and thought:

While the jinn once again began to talk I began to think that whatever was happening today was so beyond imagination but was still so relevant to our lives. Also if sahabi baba had not been present then we could never have gotten to know about all of this. The visiting jinnat from 3500 miles away were a blessing since their arrival had also helped us learn more.

Blessings, rizk, financial stability, prosperity, and children:

The elderly jinn further said that remember this fact that I am going to tell you if you want to get hold of prosperity. And this fact is that whenever someone desires the best of the best or wants to prove something as fool proof then he gives guarantees in the form of promises. Surah Shams is full of promises and all these promises reflect Allah’s desire to give to its creation many blessings including rizk, financial stability, prosperity, and children.

Whoever does this wazifa, Allah would truly grant him:

In this surah, Allah has made promises through seven things which brings about a strong guarantee and faith that dwelling deeper into this Surah will help a person gain many things which would ultimately lead to prosperity in this world and the hereafter. I promise on Allah’s incomprehensible status, Allah’s pride that whatever knowledge I have that has been given to me through the knowledge of what the messenger of Allah hazrat Muhammadصلی اللہ علیہ وسلم  preached that…..

The jinn continued to say this in a manner of great emotion which was so strong that he was unable to speak properly.

The elderly jinn’s wazifa to cure the lack of children:

Oh people, I am saying this on the basis of the knowledge passed down to us by our Messenger Hazrat Muhammad صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم that whoever this wazifa with a steadfast attitude will gain what he had aimed for.

The elderly jinn then said that if you really want to experience the benefits of this wazifa to a much greater extent, then take pepper and a quarter kilo of Desi Ajwaean. Clean both these things properly and place them in separate containers and the female should take some pepper and a pinch of desi Ajwaean with milk or water the first thing in the morning and after Asr namaz too. This can be done for 1 month, 3 months, 7 months, and 9 months and can instead prolonged for a longer time to completely cure the issue.

Moving dua of sahabi baba: 

The elderly aalim jinn finished his talk and it was then that I requested to sahabi baba for a dua since the group of now happy visitors wanted to make their way back. It was pretty evident that the groups of jinnat were now quite hopeful. Sahabi baba then made a touching dua which had these words:

Ya Allah, you are the creator and Kaleem and you are مُبْدِیُٔ and بَارِیُٔ.

Oh Allah, if you wish for someone to have children then it happens but if you don’t wish that to happen then it doesn’t happen.

If your decision is such that you don’t want to grant someone the blessing of children then today please change that decision and grant us the blessing of offspring.

Allah! We are begging you.  We are pleading in front of you. It is only your decision that has the power to bless us with parenthood and without your will this cannot happen.

Allah! Surah Shams is your creation and if you want you can take away its power too and if you want you can bless us through the power of surah Shams.

You have full command and right to change your decision in an instant.

Oh generous kareem Allah! Grant these people with whatever they desperately wish for. Fulfill their needs and grant them success of both this world and the hereafter. 

Ameen, Ameen, Ameen.

It is not words but the intensity of the emotion:

I don’t have words to describe the intensity of the emotion that overcame all of us while making that dua. It is not words but the true emotional involvement that enables a person to make a connection with Allah and convey your deepest desires and needs. This emotional connection alone allows a person to succeed in attaining what he wishes for.

The group of jinnat then left soon after in the same way that they had come. A gust of wind soon enough enveloped the jinnat until we could see them no more.

Once again we went back to our discussion of the benefits of surah Shams

Benefits of Surah Shams in the words of sahabi baba:

After seeing all that had transpired, sahabi baba was pleased that through this meeting we all got to know the miracles of surah Shams. He further said that if you want I can tell you more about the significance of surah shams and so sahabi baba began to say that before I tell you about the world of jinnat and things that are not obvious to everyone I want to share some other observations and experiences of this surah.

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